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Which VPS providers are supported in DollarDeploy?

  1. We directly support Digital Ocean, so you can connect DollarDeploy and Digital Ocean and automatically create servers in Digital Ocean without leaving the platform.
  2. You can also use any other provider with DollarDeploy.  Start by going into their app and manually creating a server that suits your needs. We regularly test servers provided by Hetzner, Google Cloud, and AWS.
    1. For best results, use Debian or Ubuntu 20, 22, or 24.
    2. Remember to create an SSH key and add it to the Dollar Deploy (or generate one on the platform in a single click)
    3. Create the new server on the provider side
    4. Enter the IP address of the server (or hostname)
    5. Enter a username to connect to the server
    6. Press save and use the button Test to connect