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How much can you save by using DollarDeploy?

Below is a table comparing DollarDeploy + Hetzner / DigitalOcean versus managed hosting solution such as Vercel, AWS, GCloud, Railway, Heroku, Render, and more.

Host setup used for the comparison:

  • 2 vCPU
  • 4GB RAM
  • 40GB Storage
  • 20TB Bandwidth

Important Notes

Some providers allow on-demand resource scaling but charge additional fees for extra bandwidth or other usage-based resources. To keep this comparison straightforward, we estimated both a baseline (minimum) cost that matches the chosen specifications and a cost scenario where all resources for this setup are fully utilized.

So, how much can you save by using Hetzner + DD vs Vercel?

The Hetzner server would cost you 3.79$ per month, DollarDeploy management would cost you 1$ per host (or even cheaper per host with the PRO Plan). This means you would pay a total of 4.79$, yes less than 5$, to have a similar solution as Vercel with up to 20 TB of bandwidth, while it would cost you at least 20$ for only 1TB of bandwith. If only comparing bandwith, the price would ramp up to 2870$ on Vercel if we reached the upper limit of our Hetzner server.

Again, the comparison is not that easy, and ressources allocated to your app may be greater than the resource provided by the Hetzner configuration used in this example, but this is one way to compare it. You should also consider different add-ons provided as paid add-ons on Vercel, such as analytics (+10$).

Overall, a more accurate comparison can be made if you compare it specifically for your own requirements.

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